[ldapvi] Adding entries via ldapvi

David Lichteblau david at lichteblau.com
Wed Sep 13 08:06:59 CEST 2006

Quoting Bjorn Oglefjorn (sys.mailing at gmail.com):
> Can someone please post an example of how to use ldapvi to add entries? I
> haven't found a combination of options that will work, although I find it to
> be an excellent tool for managing entries that are already in the directory.

First of all, you can start ldapvi without reading entries from the
server using the -A option, then just input an entry with "add" as its
key instead of a numeric key.  Of course, that is a very low-tech way of
doing it without much advantage over using ldapadd(1) directly.

The feature that makes things a little more convenient is the -o option,
which allows you to specify objectclasses to show the schema for.

	ldapvi -o person -o posixAccount

to see an entry template with required attributes to be filled out and
optional attributes as comments.  See also

In the git version, that also combines well with configuration profiles,
allowing an invocation like above to be given a shorter name.

Profiles might or might not turn into a more elaborate templating
mechanism in the future; right now I do not have a clear idea what
exactly users would need here.

(Beware that the manual is work in progress and documents the git
version, not ldapvi 1.5.  The -o option is already present in ldapvi 1.5


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