[ldapvi] Passing encoding to vim

Ulrich Spoerlein uspoerlein at gmail.com
Thu Mar 22 11:46:36 CET 2007


first of all, ldapvi is a very, very cool tool.

There is one minor nit though. I added diplayNames for our users,
containing umlauts. ldapvi will correctly save and update the DB if I
write the attribute like so:
displayName:; Ulrich Spörlein

Now, when I open ldapvi, :wq, it says I have modified 14 values, and I
can't update these:
add: 0, rename: 0, modify: 14, delete: 0
Action? [yYqQvVebB*rsf+?] y
ldap_modify: Invalid syntax (21)
        additional info: displayName: value #0 invalid per syntax

What's happening? I run ldapvi in a plain xterm (latin1 encoding), the
file itself is of course utf-8 encoded (fenc=utf-8) but the terminal
in vim is set to utf-8 too (enc=utf-8).

So now, I have to open ldapvi, :set enc=utf-8, work, :wq and
everything will be fine. I tried placing "set enc=utf8" in .vimrc, but
it looks like it is overridden by ldapvi.

What's the correct way, to have ldapvi pass the file-encoding only?
The terminal-encoding should be untouched by it, IMHO.

There is NO trouble running ldapvi inside an uxterm, as its encoding
will match both vim's encoding and fileencoding.


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