[ldapvi] Strange behavior when --base is used

Uwe Sauter uwe.sauter.de at gmail.com
Sun Nov 19 09:52:14 CET 2023

Hi all,

First of all thank you for this little piece of software that helps so much administrating LDAP servers.

Situation: With version 1.7 my ~/.ldapvirc looks like:
profile default
base: dc=example,dc=org
bind: sasl
host: ldapi:///

profile config
base: cn=config
bind: sasl
host: ldapi:///

This works well but when I execute "ldapvi --base ou=mail,dc=example,dc=org" ldapvi will just add that base to the one 
from the config file instead of taking only the base from command line.

Is there a way to tell ldapvi that it should *only* use the base from command line instead of additive behavior?

It is annoying that ldapvi behavior differs from the behavior of ldapsearch in this regard. I cannot simply provide a 
search base on the command line to get only a subset of my LDAP. Instead I get everything below dc=example,dc=org and 
then everything below ou=mail,dc=example,dc=org a second timeā€¦



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