[ldapvi] ldapvi --diff

Keith Edmunds kae at midnighthax.com
Thu Aug 11 12:23:44 CEST 2011

It's not clear to me how the --diff switch is supposed to be used, and the
ldapvi manual is silent on the point.

I've done:

$ slapcat > slapcat-before.txt

...make a small change within LDAP...

$ slapcat > slapcat-after.txt

Then I tried:

$ ldapvi --diff slapcat-before.txt slapcat-after.txt 
Error: Invalid key: `dn'.

I've clearly misunderstood how it should be used. I've managed to find
another way of doing what I needed, but may I suggest the manual be
updated to give an example of using --diff?

Thanks for a very useful utility.

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